Counterintuitive Copy: Why does it work?

Conterintuitive Copy – Why this company reveals how to make their product on your own

There I am innocently perusing Facebook and then…  woah! Good copy alert. Yes, I’m a nerd, buuuuuut… Check it: So I did what completely normal people do (right?)… and broke this down quick by asking 4 questions: What are they saying? Who are they speaking to? What is the voice? Does it work? 1. Why are […]

Conterintuitive Copy – Why this company reveals how to make their product on your own Read More »

How To Use “Truthful” Copy To Win Over Your Reader (Or How A Politically Incorrect Film About Mental Health Teaches You How To Overcome Objections)

When I was a kid, I was an unashamed ad junkie. (I’d love to tell you I always wanted to be in advertising, but that wouldn’t be true. I wanted to be an airforce pilot.) In my ears, I can still hear every note of the catchiest theme songs and the excited delivery of ad slogans. But

How To Use “Truthful” Copy To Win Over Your Reader (Or How A Politically Incorrect Film About Mental Health Teaches You How To Overcome Objections) Read More »

How Cards Against Humanity Writes Emails Their Customers Can’t Wait to Open

Many business owners I know cower at the prospect of emailing their customers. If they don’t have something to sell, they’re not sure what to say. When they do have something to sell, they don’t want to annoy them. And if they have any type of subscription model, they’re afraid an email will only serve

How Cards Against Humanity Writes Emails Their Customers Can’t Wait to Open Read More »

Trump: The Art of Division and Persuasion

Love him or loathe him, there’s one accusation that can never be levelled at Donald Trump: he’s dull. You can roll out any number of metaphors for the billionaire and reality TV star’s impact on this presidential race. A tour de force, a whirlwind, whatever… But beneath the grandstanding and deeply controversial statements, there are

Trump: The Art of Division and Persuasion Read More »

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