Choose The Right Tool For Your Current Phase


A proven plan that made it easy to launch a freelance career from scratch.

Getting started and landing those first clients is the hardest part. Escape Velocity helps you stop “winging it” and take the guess-work out of freelancing.

It’s a step-by-step training program on how to kickstart a freelance career, attract quality clients, and confidently deliver great work.

Escape Velocity Helps Beginner Freelancers With…

  • Choosing and developing your copywriting “money skills”– the most in-demand copy skills that clients are hiring for right now
  • Identifying your ‘Unique Copywriting DNA’ so you can find clients that are the best fit for your specific skill set, background, and experience level
  • Finding clients who need your specific money skills and value your work
  • ​Generating a constant flow of qualified new leads
  • ​Competitively price your services so you always get paid
    well for your work​
  • Selling yourself as a professional copywriter so that clients
    see you as a valued expert
  • ​Designing and structuring your packages and contracts
  • ​Writing and pitch a winning proposal
  • ​Mastering the sales call and close the deal

PHASE 4-5 

Uncover your true specialty and become a sought-after expert in your industry.

Real Free Life (RFL) is the perfect opportunity if you’re a mid-level freelancer
ready to start scaling your business. RFL can help you learn how to:

  • Get paid higher rates by better clients who seek you out as the go-to industry expert
  • Grow bigger lists, multiple revenue streams, and have complete control over your income
  • Have clients coming to YOU instead of the other way around
  • Write less and consult more (that sweet “hang up and you’re done” money!)
  • Grow faster because you focus better
  • Constantly be asked to speak on more stages and podcasts
  • ​Have less competition and more opportunities coming your way
  • ​Have the freedom to call the shots in your career – choosing who you work with, how you structure your deals, and how much you get paid for the work you do.

The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator

PHASE 1-7 Accelerator

Get help achieving specific goals and overcoming your unique challenges in this intimate all-access mastermind program.

Accelerator “fills in the gaps” between coaching programs – giving you unlimited access to personal coaching, accountability, support, and the tools you need to move all the way through Phase 0 – Phase 6 of The Freelancer’s Journey, including:
  • The Escape Velocity (EV) training modules
  • The Real Free Life (RFL) training modules
  • Access to both the RFL and EV private coaching forums
  • 2x / mo small group mastermind “Accelerator Calls” with
    Kevin Rogers
  • As-needed access to monthly “office hours” calls with
    your co-coaches to support you in between group calls.
  • Access to the private Accelerator Mastermind forum where
    you personal co-coaches and fellow Accelerator members
    will help you work through tough challenges daily
  • Access to the Copy Chief Training Dashboard
  • Access to the Copy Chief Community forums
  • Special “members only” perks and bonuses


Partner with Kevin Rogers to bring your offer
to the big leagues

Copy Chief’s Incubator is an invite-only partnership program for members
who have already completed at least one of our signature coaching programs:
Escape Velocity, Real Free Life, or Accelerator. By joining Incubator you will:

  • Partner with Kevin to create and market your offer
  • Reach a broader audience by leveraging Kevin’s extensive network
  • Get personal coaching from Kevin as you scale your business
  • Tap into Kevin’s expertise as a comedian, coach, and copywriter
  • Create an evergreen product that builds your biz for you

Incubator is by invitation-only for select members of
our coaching programs.

The first step to joining Incubator is to become a member of our Accelerator mastermind program.

Need Help Finding and Moving Through Your Current Phase?

Our Freelance Career Coaches Can Help You Create

A 90-day "Beat Your Best Year" Roadmap

Need help identifying where your business
is currently at on the Freelancer's Journey?

Contact one of our Freelance Coaches today!"

Ready to Land Dream Clients and
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Ready to Land Dream Clients and
Build Your Copywriting Edge?

Get your free copy of The Goods and unlock the strategies top copywriters use to succeed:
Don’t wait—download your guide to copywriting success now!
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Ready to Land Dream Clients and
Build Your Copywriting Edge?
Get your free copy of The Goods and unlock the strategies top copywriters use to succeed:
Don’t wait—download your guide to copywriting success now!