HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


Ep 21 – How Life Dictates Business

Copy Chief Radio
Copy Chief Radio

Ep 21 – How Life Dictates Business

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In This Episode

This week is a conversation between Producer Jonathan and I, where we give the inside scoop of what our lives are like… and the cool things we’re up to these days.

You’ll get to learn what Producer Jonathan’s life is like now, since he has a new addition to his wonderful family. Plus, you’ll see the breakdown of how his “structured” days have turned upside down.

I’m also going to share what I’ve been up to. After 10 years of leaving my comic days behind, I made a decision to go back into stand up. Only this time as an evolved direct response stand up comedian.


Hear the episode unfold in real time here: How Life Dictates Business

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes here

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