Is Clubhouse the next Periscope?

It’s funny the choices we have to make these days about how to use our time… where to put our attention… who deserves our energy.

Some people are eager to give it all away.

They don’t think of it as a choice they can make for themselves.

Instead they operate from a place of pure FOMO.

“There’s stuff being said there that I should know about.
If I don’t know about it, how am I going to be relevant? Ahhhhhhh!”

The latest obsession is Clubhouse.
The social media app that turns your phone into everything you hated about high school.

The cool kids who have lots of important-sounding shit in their bio and a ton of followers start “rooms” and invite the other popular kids. 

And everyone else sits around listening to them talk. 

You’re allowed to raise your hand – if you dare. And if one of the popular kids deems you worthy, you may be invited to ask a question.

Otherwise, sit yo’ ass down and listen. On mute. 

There’s no comment feature, no recordings of the conversations. You’re either there, in real time, to show off your cool kid smarts, or to shut up and listen. That’s it.

Not much of a “clubhouse” vibe…

They should have called it Courthouse.

Or Boot Licker.

Maybe CliqueBank.

Okay, I’m playin’

Look, I’m not mad at Clubhouse.

To be fair I haven’t given it a real shot. It may be way more effective than I’m witnessing so far. 

(I’m just not clear why it wouldn’t be better to have the same discussions on Zoom and be able to share them with others who need the info?)

What does concern me, though… (and yes, I’m gonna sound like a dad here, which is how I got the nickname “Papa Kev” from my coaching students)… is how much I see freelancers struggling to DECIDE important things that will have a big, positive effect on their careers. 

  • Like, which skills they want to develop into specialties (because specialists earn WAY more money than generalists)…

  • Or how they want to package their services…

  • Or on which channel they want to “show their work” and build their own authority in the industry.

All things that are very proven (by the hundreds of freelancers I’ve coached) to boost your pay, reduce your stress, and put you in the driver’s seat to take your business wherever you want.

Sure, there are more than one reason why these choices can be difficult to make, but by far, the #1 reason talented freelancers struggle to choose a direction is… 


There are two kinds of people on social media: Influencers and the influenced.

So, unless you’re showing up there to lead, then, by nature, you’re being led.

And not down a clear path. 

More like being battered around like a pinball. 

There to help “influencers” reach a high score. 


Listen, if you find yourself feeling a $hitwave of bad emotions after using social media, I have a solution that will help. 

First, take a one week break from social media. 

And No… you don’t need to announce on social media that you’re taking a break from social media! 

Honestly, no one cares. They won’t even miss you. 

We just build up an illusion that people are paying close attention to what we do on social media. 

They aren’t. 

Test it for a week and see. 


More importantly, is what YOU pay attention to on your break. 

When you trade all that energy you were giving over and spend it focusing on a skill that YOU want to learn. 

With no obligation to announce to the world that you’re doing it. 

And see the progress you can make in one hour or less.

Developing a skill that is not only immediately cash-in-able… but one that you’ll have as an asset for life… and can continue to grow… which will lead to developing even more valuable skills… and finally having DIRECTION… suddenly feeling less overwhelmed… more in charge of your life… your business… your mental health… your personal worth. 

It’ll be amazing.

A pretty good trade off, don’t you think? 

I’m excited for this. 

If you already know the skill you want to advance, then pick a date and go to it. 

If it’s core copywriting skills, or landing more clients, better clients, or developing your copywriting money skills… then I invite you to choose a training from our dashboard at Copy Chief.

Either way, I’d love to hear how it goes and where you put all that energy you took back for yourself.

I’m here.



The shiny, new Copy Chief member community and training dashboard is live! If you’re already a member, dive in and enjoy. If you’re not a member, you can join here.

Whenever you’re ready, here are a few other ways I can help…

Become a member of Copy Chief. It’s everything you need to sharpen your skills as a copywriter and build your freelance business – all with a killer support system at your back to help you do it. To learn more, check out this page here. 

Mark your spot on the Freelancer’s Journey Timeline. Moving forward in your freelance business starts with identifying where you are right now.  Go here to see the full Freelancer’s Journey Timeline and mark your spot. 

Find out what the best in the business do differently with the Copy Chief Radio podcast. Every week we release a fresh new conversation with the top producers and change-makers in the world of marketing, copywriting, and business. Tapping into their minds won’t cost you a thang – listen here.

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