What would you say is your #1 skill?

I call this your Bat Signal Talent because it’s the ONE problem your best clients would call on you to solve in their most desperate hour.

It’s not the only thing you do, but it’s the one thing you do best. And usually the thing you enjoy doing the most.

If you’re a consultant, coach or freelancer, failing to define your Bat Signal Talent puts your business in serious peril.

It means that you are in danger of being ignored, overlooked or quickly forgotten even when you do good work.

Rule #1: Never let your clients and colleagues think of you as a “general” service provider.

That means they see you as a vendor and not an expert. And that is the freelancer’s kiss of death.

“Vendors” scratch and claw for jobs on places like Elance and Fiverr, while “Experts” pick and choose the best clients to fill their highly coveted dance card.

Now, if you’ve read this far and can’t already picture a situation when your colleagues or clients would “Bat Signal” you… let’s fix that now.

3 Steps to Discovering Your Bat Signal Talent

First… make a list the broad services you provide.

For instance, I’m a direct response copywriter. That covers a lot of territory. So I would list all the stuff I’m hired to write like, sales pages, video sales letters, email copy, website copy, optin squeeze pages, and on and on.

But the one thing I am best known for is creating killer sales hooks and orchestrating high-converting affiliate launches for info-marketers.

So, when a colleague or client (or a friend of theirs) has a launch coming up and their pre-launch test results are subpar because there are holes in their funnel or their copy is off the mark.

… that’s when my “bat signal” appears like a beacon in the night sky.

The #1 reason sales campaigns come up limp is because the hook is weak.

My best clients and colleagues know I can swoop in and write them a better hook in no time. And once they fix the hook, the rest of the campaign sparks to life and conversions are back on track.

Usually an hour on the phone is all it takes. And if I charge $2,000 for the consult, it’s an hour well spent for me… and a “life saver” for them to turn their big six or seven figure launch around.

Sure, the “extra money” is nice. (I am not the most expensive guy in the market, btw. Some copywriters charge twice as much for an hour of their time.)

But the greater value is that it keeps my name fresh on the minds of serious players in the industry. If I can fix their slumping funnel in an hour, why wouldn’t they come to me to create their next one from scratch?

Yes… I know that not every industry lends itself to high dollar fixes to high stakes problems they way mine does. If you are known as a color-matching wizard in the design world, the stakes are a little less high than with a major affiliate-driven product launch.

However, I can promise that by not defining your bat signal talent you are leaving “easy money” on the table.

AND when you discover and promote your bat signal talent, you will enter into the well-paid superhero role for your clients… and more qualified prospects will flow naturally into your business

… no matter what you do.

So let’s do a short exercise to come up with your Bat Signal Talent so you can become known as the “go-to” expert to solve this problem in your niche.


Step 1: List the broad services you provide.

These are the 5-10 or more things that you would list in a typical job proposal.

Step 2: Identify the specific services you help clients with the most.

These are the 3-5 things that just about every client wants in their package, and the things that you get the most “wow” effect when you deliver it.

Step 3: Choose the one thing you do best and love the most. This is your Bat Signal Talent.

Now that you’ve identified your BST, start to think about ways you could begin to teach others how to use your skill.

Could you write a free report to dazzle people with your special talent? Or make a short video presentation on your laptop?

That’s all it takes to begin defining your Bat Signal Talent and open up a new world of possibilities (and sweet 4-figure an hour consults) for your business.

It’s exactly what I did with the The 60-Second Sales Hook, and the affect on my business has been staggering.

YOU have a Bat Signal Talent hiding in your business right now. Are you shining it as brightly as you could?


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