HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


Ep 77: The “Remarketing Generator” Method To Getting Cheaper Clicks with Matt Ambrose

Copy Chief Radio

Ep 77: The “Remarketing Generator” Method To Getting Cheaper Clicks with Matt Ambrose

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In This Episode

Reality is, ad click costs are higher than ever. Gone are the days of 30 cent clicks. Now, you’ll pay upwards of $3 for a single click in competitive niches like finance and health.

And it’s only gonna get pricier to advertise as more marketers flood the internet. Plus, the recent “fake news” epidemic means Facebook and Google crack down on ad claims harder than ever.

So, how do you avoid burning your budget on rising click costs… and find warmer, cheaper leads where your competition ain’t looking?

Today I’ve got veteran copywriter Matt Ambrose on the show. Matt helps clients land pre-qualified leads without spending boatloads of cash on Facebook and Google ads. And he does it using his “Remarketing Generator” method on the internet’s #2 search engine—YouTube.

As Matt explains in the interview, you can quickly use YouTube to “warm up” your cold traffic before transitioning to your sales message…

… and when you do this right, you create a list of prequalified leads… AND your average click cost plummets to about a buck—even $0.50 in some markets.

In this episode, Matt shows you how you can tap into a warmer, cheaper source of leads for your business… and get a leg up on your competition who’ll continue burning cash on expensive clicks.

“Can’t Miss” Moments:

  • Why the first 5 seconds of your video are absolutely crucial… and what Matt suggests you do right after you grab your prospect’s attention. (It’s no longer enough to just “give lots of value.”)
  • The “cookie cutter” mistake most marketers make in their videos… and the ONE part of your video that’ll make or break your lead flow.
  • Matt’s counter-intuitive tactic to transitioning your prospect from your video to your sales message with ease… without setting off his “I’m about to be sold something” alarm.


Get Matt’s YouTube Remarketing Generator strategy here

Download the episode here

Show notes written by Max Hamm. You can reach Max at

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