HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


Ep 56 – The Hidden Seductive Power Of Product Descriptions with Angie Colee

Copy Chief Radio

Ep 56 – The Hidden Seductive Power Of Product Descriptions with Angie Colee

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In This Episode

Here’s the thing: most product descriptions are a snooze fest

… and you’re likely losing sales by overlooking the power of benefit-packed product descriptions.

So… how do you write a compelling product description that forces your prospects to ignore your competition and buy only from you?

Today I’ve got e-commerce specialist and Copy Chief Ambassador Angie Colee on the show.

Angie helps clients with her knack for creating killer product descriptions that multiply sales.

As she explains in the interview, when your product sounds like everyone else’s, you start competing on price…

… and when you’re sucked down that drain, the big guns in your market will doom your business.

In this episode, Angie reveals how you can boost your sales with the seductive power of juicy product descriptions.

Take a listen and find out how to stand out among the heaps of bland, boring offers in your market. (Most marketers get this wrong by going overboard! You’ll want to hear Angie’s insights on how to do it without getting slapped with lawsuits or federal investigations.)

“Can’t Miss” Moments:

  • The “Crazy Egg” secret to almost doubling your sales in a crowded market… by simply tweaking one thing in your offer.
  • The most common mistake marketers make when describing product benefits… without even knowing it. (Unless you want the FTC knocking on your door and shutting down your business… you’ll want to hear Angie’s advice.)
  • The “J.Peterman Catalog” tactic that’ll hypnotize your prospect into a buying trance. (So long as you’re selling anything but paper plates… this’ll arm you with the deadly persuasion weapon you’ll need to demolish your competition.)


Get Angie’s Guide Here

Download the episode here

Show notes written by Max Hamm. You can reach Max at

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