HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


EP 280: Freelancer’s Journey: Carolynn Ananian – Adventures of a “Path 2” copywriter

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EP 280: Freelancer’s Journey: Carolynn Ananian – Adventures of a “Path 2” copywriter

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In This Episode

Carolynn Ananian did a lot of “bouncing around” as a freelance copywriter before falling in love with financial copywriting and landing her current “Dream Job” at Stansberry Research.

Carolynn started out (as most of us do) as a “Path 1”, doing all the jobs to run and grow a freelance copywriting business… but she HATED the busyness and hustle of it.

Carolynn and I go deep on…

  • How to find your path when you feel like the standard way is not up to your standard of life…
  • Why she chose (and fell in love with) financial copywriting and the biggest myths about the industry…
  • How life is different for a copywriter working on the right team and how to avoid being lured onto the wrong ones…  Her #1 piece of advice for copywriters who want to break into financial (HINT: Please stop cold DMing her for a job!)

Listen to Copy Chief Radio #280: Freelancer’s Journey: Carolynn Ananian – Adventures of a “Path 2” copywriter


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