HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


EP 279: New Breed: Who will survive the crush of machine learning copywriting tech? with Sam Woods

Sam Woods on Creative Machine Learning
Copy Chief Radio

EP 279: New Breed: Who will survive the crush of machine learning copywriting tech? with Sam Woods

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In This Episode

The robots have arrived!

I’ve been saying this for two years now, but most people shrugged it off as a “someday” problem.


Of course, all the overnight experts are parachuting from the sky dressed up in their “special forces” costumes to save the day and cash in on everyone’s trending interest in how to use AI and machine learning to save their asses. 

Let’s move past the hype and panic and take a somber look at the existing capabilities and limitations of OpenAI-driven programs (there are several beyond ChatGPT)

Sam Woods has long been one of the smartest and most forward-thinking marketers and copywriters I know. He’s been an early adopter of AI and machine learning tools since 2019 and is one of the few people successfully using itas part of his copywriting process since then. 

Sam’s been inside the machine, writing and testing ads with it, and (luckily for us) documenting the process.

He’s been the secret copy weapon companies like Alex Hormozi, SamCart, Explainify, Seller Labs, HubSpot, Jungle Scout, AWeber, and many more. Over 17 Fortune 500 companies have been quietly flying Sam to their headquarters to train their copy teams on becoming better and faster copywriters than they could ever be without it.

Not to replace them, but to make them stronger!

Now Sam is opening up his files and sharing his process with smart copywriters who are ready to put fear aside and start using OpenAI to our advantage. 

If you’re quick enough, you can sign up and be there live when Sam holds his exclusive training on January 10th. 

Using my link (yes, I will receive a small commission) will also give you access to the special bonus training where Sam and I will show you how to create every section of a sales letter using my Advanced Copy Creation Blueprint

This blueprint is the most complete and in-depth roadmap for organizing and executing sales copy I’ve ever seen, and now it will be 10X more powerful when we show you how to tap into ChatGPT and other AI tools to write every section stronger and faster than you ever imagined. 

I’m calling it “Creative Machine” because that’s exactly what you’ll become when you have this blueprint and know how to use it.  

But, you can only get it by ordering through this link:

The choice is simple, either catch up with elite marketers and become a creative machine who can lead the industry using the power of emerging AI technology, or wait until it’s too late and get left behind. 

Join Sam’s live training – The AI Copywriting Workshop (yes, recording will be available for those who purchase) on January 10th, and the “Creative Machine” Free Bonus training live online with Sam and me by ordering here.

As a primer, here is my full Copy Chief Radio interview with Sam, recorded Dec 30th, where we discuss…

  • The current and future capabilities of machine learning tools (ChatGPT, Jasper, etc) and their impact on copywriters… 
  • What copywriters need to know and do immediately to stay ahead of the crush of advancing tech in our industry…
  • How Sam has evolved his process (and slashed his writing time by DAYS) for getting ChatGPT to respond to intelligent prompts and spit out “nearly perfect” sales copy…
  • Why powering creatives with these tools is our best hope for winning the war on personal freedom being waged via facial recognition and other nefarious “security” measures all over the world…
  • How to make OpenAI your all-powerful creative collaboration partner to make your copy even more HUMAN…

Listen to Copy Chief Radio #279 New Breed: Sam Woods on Creative Machine Learning


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