You may have heard whispers about my private coaching group called Accelerator.

We sometimes refer to it as a mastermind, but it’s very different from what that term has come to mean in our industry.

This is not a “mastermind” where you’re paying to “belong”… maybe do a bit of networking, get occasional access to the host… and spend most of your time on the sidelines.

Quite the opposite, actually.

Accelerator is like joining the Justice League, or The Avengers where every member is a superstar in their own right, and we make each other stronger together.

After 7 years of coaching freelancers 1-1, I can spot the “it factor” quite easily now.

I just don’t see it very often.

Sparks of it, sure. But not the full package of smarts, instincts, character, courage, and of course, inspiration and motivation to grow a business beyond the standard.

It’s that rare combination that makes someone an “Accelerator” in my eyes.

And it’s those same elements we work on in our 2x monthly group calls, private forum club, quarterly “phase forward” assessments- to help each other create and execute a clear plan for getting everything you would want from your business, and shedding anything that no longer serves you and your goals.


(Accelerator peeps at our recent in-person mastermind in St. Petersburg, FL last month)


Accelerator is currently at 30 members, all highly successful freelancers now building businesses beyond client work, focusing on scaling with their own offers, consulting packages, and even building agencies.

But here are a few things you should know…

1) The criteria for inviting new members is that they bring a unique perspective and skillset to the group. So, Accelerator only gets stronger when we add a new member.

2) There is a heavy coaching component with me in Accelerator. I treat your business as if I were a partner in it with you. So, the advice I give is the same I would apply in my own business.

It takes a lot of mental energy to “sit on the board” (so to speak) of several businesses. However, I always feel energized working with Accelerators – never drained.

This is due in some part to my talented Accelerator co-coaches. Melanie Warren, Angie Colee, Amanda Luft, and Rachel Mazza have all served as copy chiefs at high-level direct response companies and run their own businesses… 

They create their own offers, write books, host podcasts, travel the world working nomadically, raise children, lead families…

…and they are world-class at coaching freelancers to lean into their unique superpowers because they’ve all been wildly successful at developing (and re-developing) their own.

Here’s what’s included in Accelerator:   

  • Monthly group “clarity sessions” where I help you solve your #1 business problem fast
  • Exclusive “first dibs” access to high-level job postings.
  • Personalized coaching calls from your Accelerator coach to get your “right now” questions quickly solved so you can continue progressing your business.
  • Quarterly “phase forward” assessments to create “next step” action plans that consistently move your business and career forward.
  • More office hours for added personal attention so you never feel you’re left without someone to turn to and discuss your current issues and needs.
  • Exclusive “copy buddy” critiques from a dedicated copy coach. Remember, no one writes alone in Copy Chief and especially not inside of our Accelerator Mastermind. 
  • Full access to all the programs and resources I’ve created since 2014: including Real Free Life, Escape Velocity, and Email Copy Academy
  • Plus so much more…

If you think my personal coaching, and the power of this group, could help you take your business to the next level, then I’m inviting you to apply and learn more about how it works.

Look, there are a lot of freelancers out there, but there are very few who stand out as leaders and teachers. If you have that, and you bring a special energy to everything you do and create – then Accelerator might be the perfect thing to take things to the next level.

I created Accelerator back in 2019. It’s amazing to think of how much each member has accomplished over the last few years. (I’ll let them tell you.)

“Kevin’s coaching helped me grow my copywriting business 879.7% in four years…Kevin knows his stuff and he’s the best in the business.” —Chris O. 

“Kev’s been my coach for four years as well. What I love about his coaching is that it’s all about figuring out what works for you. He helps you get paid more, get awesome clients, and create a freelance biz that fits your goals and lifestyle and works for you long-term. Plus he cares a ton.” —Brian M. 

“Kevin Rogers coaching made me into the copywriter and marketer I am today. Without it, there’s no way I’d be anywhere the level I am now.” —Ross O.

“He helped me build a career from scratch that has allowed me to work with legends in the industry and provide for my family as a mother of 5. I could go on all day about what a great person and coach Kevin is, but the important thing is you. If this feels right, go for it.—Melanie W. 

Imagine the depth of business-building insight that gets shared on the “clarity session” group calls and in the private group forum. (I’m both a teacher and a furious note-taking student on the group calls.)

I could go on, but by now you have a good idea whether this is for you or not.

So, if you’re interested in exploring it further, go ahead and tell me more about what you’re up to and where you’d like to help the most by filling out this short questionnaire.

If it seems like we’re a good fit, then I look forward to chatting with you more about it.

We don’t often open Accelerator up for applications. If you feel you and I would be a good fit to work together, please read this entire email then tell me more about what you’re doing, and how you feel I could help right here.



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