HOSTED BY Kevin Rogers


EP 313: The Minimum Is Everything with Aaron Winter

The Minimum Is Everything with Aaron Winter
Copy Chief Radio

EP 313: The Minimum Is Everything with Aaron Winter

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In This Episode

How do you build a career or a team in the Era of Large Language Models and what happens to talent development when even the lowest intern needs full-stack CMO skills?  

In this episode of Copy Chief Radio, we’re going on a mind-bending ride with Aaron Winter, Founder of Dig.On, and creator of multiple nine-figure promos for Motley Fool and Agora Financial. Aaron is the hidden-hand mentor behind Dan Ferrari, Julie Hassett, Jen Adams, Ning Li, Mike Abramov, Austin Lee, Sam Woods and many more.

Aaron, who officially “retired” to care for his special needs toddler, shares how he’s managed to start a truck factory, a Hollywood studio, a federal staffing agency, a chocolate shop, a comedy version of LinkedIn, a yoga center, and a new full-service DR copywriting agency in Lagos, Nigeria… all while not even owning a smartphone.

Highlights include:

  • Why you must shape your ambitions and your opportunities to the form that you need them to be to make the rest of your life work.
  • How copywriters must tap into the same “Unstructured Muck” their customers are tapped into and struggle with alienation and disorientation if they want to write to retail.
  • Five million copywriters in this one West African city? The cultural and economic conditions that led Aaron to start his new Agency in (of all places) Lagos, Nigeria. 
  • The “Tilt-a-Whirl Puke Test” and why resilience is the filter for identifying and cultivating the right talent.
  • From “The Bar Napkin to The Bear Trap.” Aaron reveals the stages of business growth and how to avoid getting stuck in a trap of your own making.

Make sure you put your brain in a seatbelt before you click play on this one. It goes HARD…

Click here to listen to “The Minimum is Everything” with Aaron Winter on Copy Chief Radio.

P.S. Check out Aaron’s 90%-off bundle offer here.


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