Your fingers are numb.

Your brain is mush.

And your eyeballs are practically popping out of your face, over-stimulated by the gallons of caffeine you’ve consumed.

Man, the all-nighter you’ve just pulled to finally get your sales letter ready before the deadline has taken its toll.

But there’s one last obstacle you’re still to overcome:

Sending the goddamn copy to your client.

Or hitting send.

Or publishing it.

Once the relief of finally finishing the copy fades, the tsunami-like wave of self-doubt washes over you.

The gremlins start chattering.

“Is this copy any good?”

“Does it suck the big one?”

“What if my copywriter pals see this and think it sucks…. will it be the end of me?”

You fumble for the backspace.

You crumple into a quivering wreck.

You sob to yourself: why did I ever think I could be a copywriter?



Here’s a little secret that not many A-lister will fancy to share with you… but even at our end of the game, we’re still wracked with the same thoughts.

It never goes away.

Because you NEVER know when anything is going to work until you press that button.

Just like the veteran stage actor who still suffers from first-night nerves.

Or the politician who throws up before his career-changing stump speech.

Being nervous about whether your copy is any good is a sign you care.

Regardless of whether you’re a marketer writing your own copy or a copywriter hired to get results, this level of uncertainty eventually becomes something you learn to live with.

What sets the great copywriter apart from the good copywriter, however, is the length they’ll go to to minimise that level of uncertainty.

… have you really done your research right?

… can you honestly say you know everything about your audience and their hopes, fears and dreams?

… have you worked every angle and every hook to discover The Big Idea that its success hinges on?

… is your story tightly written, to the point and laden with emotional triggers to press every hot button you need?

… do you deliver all the proof your prospect needs?

… and not forgetting the guarantees, the reversal of risk, the close which makes it darn near impossible for your prospect to say ‘no’?

Only you will know whether you’ve done EVERYTHING you can to guarantee the success of your sales copy.

And that’s how you’ll know whether your copy is any good.

Because you’ll always get nervous before curtain rises.

You’ll always have some doubts whether it’s good enough.

That’s the sign of a great copywriter… that it matters to you.

Another way to help maximise your chances of your copy succeeding is having eyeballs on it from pros who’ve been there and done it.

Right now, inside Copy Chief business owners and fledging copywriters are benefiting from the collective expertise of some of the most talented copywriters and marketers on the planet… all for the cost of the monthly membership.

Join the club today and you can benefit from having your copy put through the grinder in a supportive and non-judgmental environment (much better than having those pesky prospects judge it by not pulling out their credit card…)

Join here.

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