Can you look at any sales letter or video and know exactly which parts are making the sale?

Imagine what a direct marketing super-power like that could be worth.

Talk about your “unfair advantage”.

Possessing the ability to see past the surface of any ad and see exactly which words and phrases poke the prospect’s hot buttons and get the sale, is like being granted a license to print money – legally.

Before now, the only way to get this kind of conversion x-ray vision was to have such a successful offer that you could afford to test every element and document the results.

Then you could form a checklist of “do this, don’t do that” sales copy that’s guaranteed to convert every time.

All the biggest names in marketing have such a checklist. It’s why they consistently launch products that sell millions over a 5-day launch. (And seem to top their own best launches over and over again.)

I know this because I’ve spent the last 10 years creating the sales copy (either as writer or chief) for many of the biggest launches in direct marketing history.


– The ClickBank record-smashing Mobile Monopoly campaign…

– Tom Venuto’s famous “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle” VSL…

– The Secret Mirror, which quickly became one of Dr. Joe Vitale’s most successful offers (and he’s had a LOT of ’em)…

– The 60-Second Panic Solution VSL that dominated the anxiety niche to become one of the best converting offers this year…

– Mike Westerdal’s T-Drive offer currently converting gangbusters on cold traffic in the ultra competitive health supplement market…

Not to mention massively successful campaigns with John Carlton (Simple Writing System), Dave Asprey (Bulletproof Coffee and Bulletproof Diet Book), Tim Sykes from Pennystock Millionaire, Anthony Morrison, Jordan Belfort and Ryan Lee.

That’s a very partial list of the over 100 campaigns I’ve had a hand in creating, testing, tweaking, optimizing and eventually dominating markets with since 2005.

If this sounds like bragging, that’s OK. I’ve worked incredibly hard to help my clients produce winners. And let me assure you I’ve had my share of losers, too.

Painful, gut-twisting, crash-and-burn embarrassments that leave a permanent scar on your psyche.

I consider those losers just as valuable – in some ways far more valuable – as the winners. You need both to get the full picture on what makes a blockbuster campaign perform.

You could handwrite classic sales sales until your fingers fall off, but it won’t show you exactly WHY the ad converted the way it did. For that you need Conversion X-Ray.

On Friday, I hosted a special training for Copy Chief members, and a few other friends, designed to grant you the amazing marketing superpower to take one look at a sales letter or VSL and know whether it’s converting and WHY.

To show the Conversion X-Ray Machine in action, we took two current ClickBank offers from the same niche (health and fitness) and put them them through the checklist. We took snapshots of all 10 critical conversion factors from the checklist and exposed them.

it was easy to see why one of the offers produced $30MM in sales this year alone, and the other was sputtering around like a aluminum fishing boat with a broken rudder.

Then the SURPRISE no one was expecting: 

Brad Howard, who is behind $30MM Venus Factor juggernaut heard we were going to put his campaign under the Conversion X-Ray Machine and couldn’t help but sneak in under a different name.

He was so impressed with the breakdown of his ad, he said he’d taken a ton of notes, and then came on the line live to offer up some insider secrets and answer questions.

It’s all in the replay.

Feedback from the live training was incredible…

Copy Chief members who’ve been with us since Day 1 said we’re seriously outdone ourselves.

Non-members who were listening in on the training raced to sign up and take advantage of the final days to get in at the current price (30% off until Jan 1).

The replay of the training will be posted up in Copy Chief today, along with the printable Conversion Checklist that will become the standard for assessing the value of sales copy.

If you’re a freelancer copywriter offering critiques, or wanting to check your own work against the best (and the worst) out there… Conversion X-Ray will give you the confidence to know you’re checking your work against the latest and most proven intel.

If you’re a product creator or affiliate marketer looking to blast through your current sales barriers, then Conversion X-Ray will arm you with the knowledge and the checklist to make sure your offer has all the critical conversion ht buttons in place, and that your copywriter is hitting them as well.

The only way to get it is join Copy Chief. And here’s the best part…

You’ll not only get the full Conversion X-Ray training, plus the printable checklist… you’ll have access to the entire community.


— The Feedback section where you can post up your copy for helpful feedback from pro copywriters and fellow biz owners…

— The Great Ads section where we break down the classics an pull out the most “swipeable” parts for inspiring your copy…

— The entire 60-Second Sales Hook creative suite, like the done-for-you hook writing generator, full instructions and templates for creating 60 sec sales videos, and of course, unlimited coaching to help you polish and perfect your hook before it goes live…

— Plus, you’ll watch live FIRE threads unfold and get a front row seat on real time campaigns implementing feedback and ideas from the community and reporting back the results in one-of-a-kind marketing case studies you just will not see anywhere else…

Copy Chief is the safe place for copywriters and business owners to share advice and hard-won wisdom in the name of higher conversions.

Copy Chief member Wardee Harmon has seen a 1,000% increase on her optins and  a 400% increase in sales since implementing the advice she got in the forum.

Zach Smith optimized his clients Kickstarter campaign and exceeded his funding goal in under 30 days.

17-year-old copywriter, Chris Chia, took the feedback he got on a black friday offer selling audio rap beats and broke industry sales records to the stun and delight of his famous DJ client.

All these threads and so many more than I could list here are waiting inside Copy Chief.

The price to join is $67/mo (30% off the standard price) until January 1st, when it goes up at the stroke of midnight.

Click here and enter the gift-code “insider67” then click validate to start your 7-day trial for only $1.

Or cut and paste this link: //

Come in for a week and see if it’s everything I’m describing and decide for yourself is it’s right for you.

Just remember, the trial and the low price vanish at midnight on Dec 31.

And when you get inside, click my icon and send me a private message. I want to meet you personally and show you around.

Talk then,



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