For ten years our slogan in Copy Chief has been: Nobody Writes Alone. 

Some people love it; others, not so much. 

The ones who take offense to it have a valid point, in that…

Writing is PERSONAL.

Sitting alone at the keyboard, the notebook, whatever, is YOU and YOUR IDEA. 

Writing, to me, is less about the words the writer chooses, which ultimately define their style, their voice, the visceral experience they create for their readers…

And, more about, WHAT is being shared. 

Yes, the words, the cadence, the structure, are all critical to the work, the same way the notes are in music. 

However, if the most gorgeous phrase you’ve ever laid eyes on doesn’t SPEAK to you–on a personal level–you’ll forget it in a heartbeat. 

Conversely, if a piece of writing does speak to you, you will forgive clunkiness, shit grammar, and all the rest, and return to the piece over and over again. 

There are better trumpet players than Miles Davis, but no other player FEELS like Miles. 

So, yes, the nucleus of good writing begins with the writer, alone, with their ideas…

But, that is where the purity of the profession ends.

From there, if it is for mass consumption (a novel, news article, sales page) it will pass under many red pens before it is seen by the masses. 

Not all of these people are interested in making your writing better – at least not the way you see it. 

They’re there to make it compliant, or to reach a broader audience, or to enhance an (often hidden) agenda far bigger than the value of your piece. 

So, if your goal is art, write only for yourself and self publish. You may just find your audience.

If your goal is to be well-paid to write, become a great collaborator, and surround yourself with people who “get” what you do. 

Either way, the ideas – the VISION… begins with you. 

The stronger your vision, the more of it that makes the final cut. 

You dig? 

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