I’m booking calls with ambitious copywriters who want to earn or multiply, six figures with their copywriting.

This will be a small group (12-15) and right now there are very few seats left. 

If it looks like we’re a good fit to work together, here’s what I’d like you to have ready for our call…

  • A short list of your FAVORITE copy projects so far (the type of campaign, what you liked about the client, what you delivered, etc.)…
  • The thing(s) you’re not offering in your services now, that you’d like to be getting paid for (don’t get too analytical on this, focus on what YOU love spending time doing…
  • A list of your Dream Clients (people whose products you admire and marketing you resonate with)…

That’s all I need to know if you’re the kind of copywriter I can help quickly reach the next phase of your business. 

I’ll even guarantee your results. Because results should be the ultimate goal of any program like mine.

Here’s what I’m looking for…

  • You’ve been offering copywriting as a service for one year or longer…
  • You are ready to take on better clients and charge what you’re worth…
  • You pride yourself on following the “pro code”…
  • You are friendly and coachable…
  • You can keep a secret…

If that sounds like you, tell me more about what’s going on in your copywriting business and I’ll be in touch.

Tell me about it here

Ready to Land Dream Clients and
Build Your Copywriting Edge?

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Ready to Land Dream Clients and
Build Your Copywriting Edge?

Get your free copy of The Goods and unlock the strategies top copywriters use to succeed:
Don’t wait—download your guide to copywriting success now!
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Ready to Land Dream Clients and
Build Your Copywriting Edge?
Get your free copy of The Goods and unlock the strategies top copywriters use to succeed:
Don’t wait—download your guide to copywriting success now!