Hi Friends,

I’m just back from San Diego where I took part in John Carlton‘s first Action Seminar. It was a 2 day event — much more marketing “workshop” than speaker parade — where John, his biz partner, Stan Dahl, and a cadre of A-list marketing talent gang-tackled the biz-building issues most relevant to attendees.

Surveys sent to those who signed up for the event a week earlier garnered a whopping 85% response rate and expert panels were formed to address the most pressing concerns as voted on by attendees. There was no doubt those at the event would be getting advice on exactly what they needed.

Further, there were no formal product pitches by the experts on the room. Instead, marketing superstars were giving away free access to some of their best material. Like when Joe Polish decided to supply the room with access to 10 of his Genius Network interviews most relevant to the topics being discussed at the event.

The energy surrounding the event was palpable. Attendees and “Big Dogs” (John’s title for the experts on hand) alike were inspired to share their best tricks for making big bucks online. In true Carlton fashion, nothing was held back and noticeably absent were the pretenses of your typical marketing seminar.

Carlton from panel view right.
Carlton and Kilstein (with Deutsch holding mic)

I was privileged to join several panels discussing topics like how to get the most of copywriter/client relationships with John Carlton David Deutsch, Harlan Kilstein, MaryEllen Tribby and Joe Polish (I recap my best advice for freelancers negotiating higher fees in the audio interviews below)…

… and I hosted a panel of top copywriters including Deutsch, Kilstein, Jim Curley, Robert Gibson, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero and Mark Landstrom where we did “flash critiques” of sales letters submitted by attendees. (My apologies once again for any recurring nightmares this may have inspired.)

If you were fortunate (read: wise) enough to attend this event, I’d love to hear your impressions in the comment section. And for those of you who sat on your hands, or just couldn’t make it out… I’ve recorded two interviews with copywriters who attended the event that will provide you an insider’s perspective on the event.

Copywriter Ben Johnson taking in the action.
Copywriter Ben Johnson taking in the action.

The first is with a talented newcomer to the freelance copywriting scene. His name is Ben Johnson and the very first letter he wrote for a client reached #1 on CickBank in the Forex niche. I’ve been mentoring Ben for just a few months and he’s an amazing talent.

Next I interviewed one of the hottest freelance copywriters in the marketing world right now, David Raybould, who has spent half of his short career dominating ClickBank’s #1 spot for Marketing and Ads. David flew from the UK just to attend this event (and ditch the gloomy London skyline for sunny San Diego).

I asked both Ben and David for their 5 biggest takeaways from the event. In these info-packed interviews you’ll learn…

  • The one easy social tactic introverts can use to instantly melt-away the awkwardness of meeting strangers and have people dying to get in contact with you after the event. (And how to avoid looking like a total idiot like I did to Yanik Silver at my first event years ago.)
  • James Schramko’s tip on where to get cheap “heatmapping” software that allows you to pinpoint exactly where visitors are drawn on your website (This tip alone could raise boost conversion with a few simple tweaks)…
  • How to quickly establish yourself as an expert (and NOT a vendor) in the eyes of your prospects. (This works wonders for freelancers looking to raise their fees!)
  • How Mike Koenigs is about to completely change the game in regards to customer access by tapping into over a billion smart phone users (Imagine hosting a membership site straight from a phone app)…
  • Why writing killer copy is not enough. the 3 things you’ve got to do to “crossover” into the big leagues of marketing.

And a whole lot more.

But the interviews don’t focus only on the Action Seminar, you’ll learn valuable tips and tricks for…

  • Taking your writing to the next level…
  • Increasing traffic to your website and
  • Positioning yourself as the “go to” expert in your market.

Listen to the interviews here:

Ben Johnson Interview:

David Raybould interview:


(May take a minute to download, be patient.)

Or you download the zip audio files here:

Ben Johnson zip

David Raybould zip

You’re really going to like these interviews. And after you’ve given them a listen, please leave a comment here to let me know your thoughts. I’m also happy to answer all of your questions.

Talk soon,



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