The R.I.C.H. Freelancer Manifesto
8 Rules In-Demand Freelancers Never Break 

R – Revenue designed to increase.

I – Integrity as a first rule of engagement.

C – Control over projects and growth.

H – Happiness in work and in life.

A freelance business that produces healthy revenue, never forces you to compromise integrity, affords you total control over your career, and makes you happy is built in three stages…
Stage 1: Design your business as a real business, not a “hustle”.
Stage 2: Establish your business by marketing your specialty and establishing authority.
Stage 3: Grow your business by choosing the best opportunities and building a team.
These are the core principles behind the Real Free Life business coaching program, created by, and designed for, freelance service providers and consultants who desire full control of their careers.
A Core Set of Rules R.I.C.H Freelancers Refuse to Break

Rule 1: “You set the standard.”

Be the kind of service provider who understands what you do best, how you work best, and what kind of client you will serve best in your business. Charge top fees for your time and your skill, and accept no compromise. Clients who pay more naturally expect more. This will cause you to step up your game and increase the integrity of your work. Establishing your reputation as a top level freelancer automatically filters out deadbeat clients, providing you control over the quality of your projects, and your network.

Rule 2: “Establish yourself as an authority.”

People are waiting for you to lead. Start posting content that teaches your audience what you do by demonstrating the unique ways you do it. Do not wait around until you have something original to share. More important than being first is being yourself. The right people, including your best clients, will resonate with your content and gain respect for you as an authority.

Rule 3: “Specialize with a Bat Signal Talent.”

Choose the kind of skill you enjoy most, and feel most qualified to perform, then make that your speciality. Becoming known as a specialist is the fastest way to increase your network, gain quality referrals, and increase your status in the industry. If you tire of your specialty or it becomes outdated, simply choose another. The best clients want to hire specialists, not generalists. Teach them how to shine your special Bat Signal.

Rule 4: “Package your skills.”

Just as you are hired to help sell your client’s offers, think of your services as offers in your own business. Treat them with the same credence. Know the true cost for you to deliver a package of your work. Know the value of them to your best prospects. Position them as the only logical choice for the right buyer. Thinking of your services as offers makes it easy to establish value, and prevents you from compromising the integrity of your work.

Rule 5: “Give yourself quarterly raises.”

Resist becoming content with “enough.” Flat prices result in flat work, ultimately eroding your inspiration and reputation. As the value of your skills increase through experience, so should your fee. Plan to give yourself a pay raise every three months by incrementally charging more for the growing value of your services. Your best clients will happily accept the increase, or they will make way for your next favorite clients. Accept only those who can meet your demand.

Rule 6: “Become your own #1 client.”

Raise your own pedestal a foot above that of any client. Book time each week at your highest rate to market your business with authority content, networking, and purposeful education to advance your money skills. Make no excuse away from this. Becoming your own top client is the surest way to generate ROI on your time and guard against unpleasant surprises.

Rule 7: “Create non-client revenue streams.”

Seek to replace 30% of your client-based income with alternative revenue streams. Apply the best practices of your highest performing clients and replicate their success for yourself. Who could be more qualified and deserving of this than you? Marketing your own trainings and consulting services will make you a more educated provider for your clients, while simultaneously increasing your leverage as a business owner.

Rule 8: “Bring in help to free your time.”

Fill the role of personal assistant even before you think you are ready. You will quickly find plenty they can take off your plate. This will free your time to do the special work only you can do. It will also raise your own standing within yourself and serve as a reminder of the value of your skills. Do this early and grow into the role of ‘boss’.
P.S. Starting on April 28th, I’ll be working with 30 pro freelance copywriters to help them level up and become in-demand freelancers. To do this, we will be applying every step of this Manifesto over the next 8 weeks.
Click the button below to learn more and find out how you can become a R.I.C.H. Freelancer and transform your business:
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