The Freelancer's Journey Accelerator provides custom coaching and accountability from Copy Chief’s Kevin Rogers to help you move through all 7 phases of The Freelancer’s Journey.

Get help achieving specific goals and overcoming your unique challenges in this intimate all-access mastermind

Click the image to see where you are on the Freelancer's Journey

Hey, Kevin here…

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you already have all the skills and knowledge you need to build a successful freelance career.

But after coaching thousands of freelancers for over a decade, I know that putting this training into action (without making it complicated or confusing) is what stops most freelancers from taking their business to the next level.

That’s why I want to let you know about a new opportunity for personal coaching to help you implement everything you’ve learned in EV and RFL.

You already have all the info you need to build and grow your freelance business. Now I want to give you custom coaching and access to me and my team, so we can personally help you put your plans into action.

I’m talking about coaching that focuses specifically on the phase of The Freelancer’s Journey that you’re in RIGHT NOW.

Coaching customized to your individual goals, your unique situation, and a personalized plan to take your business to the next phase.

Plus, hands-on guidance that helps you troubleshoot your individual challenges along the way.

It’s called The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator, and it’s designed to bridge the gaps between Escape Velocity, Real Free Life, and beyond.

"After working with clients for so long, I wanted to get my own thing going. I finally got my web site up, and I've already got my first product offer built out. I'm very psyched to finally be moving on this stuff. I'd spent too long frozen in a mix of terror and confusion, not moving, and feeling overwhelmed about everything - now that I'm finally doing it!"
Tim Diering
"I'm really proud of what I've accomplished in the 10 weeks since I joined Accelerator. I've created my website, put together my portfolio, collected testimonials, hired a VA, a junior copywriter, and most recently, an editor, set up a client management system, and started creating templates and checklists for my copywriting process.

Now I can write faster and offer new "fast turnaround" services like consulting, critiques, and one-day jobs. I've finally automated my business. This is a game-changer!"
Roman Alvarado

Accelerator gives you accountability, expert guidance, and personal coaching tailored to fit your individual situation and unique challenges.

You may have heard of my RFL Supergroup.

It’s my high-level personal coaching mastermind made up of a tight-knit group of 6-10 superstar freelancers who I give my personal attention.

It’s the most advanced coaching program I offer, and I understand not everyone can afford the $20,000 annual investment.

But I didn’t want this cost to stop anyone from having the coaching and resources they need to move all the way through The Freelancer’s Journey.

That’s why I created Accelerator – to offer a unique opportunity to join an elite group of freelancers that get special access to personal coaching with me.

Our goal will be to focus on where you’re at RIGHT NOW in your journey, and help you move all the way through the entire timeline.

It’s everything you love about the coaching programs, community, and training resources you’ve already accessed….

…. But more intimate and customized to you and your specific business.

PLUS – since all the systems and solutions we’re focusing on are based on a combination of what I teach in EV, RFL, and the Supergroup – you’re going to be walking through the full spectrum of the The 7 Phases of Freelancing.

That’s why, in addition to regular coaching with me, you’ll also get unlimited access to EV and RFL…

So you can use those systems to fill in the gaps in your knowledge as we move forward with your coaching.

Then we can use your coaching time to troubleshoot any specific challenges or questions around what you learn there.

"I finally feel like I am owning my authority. When you feel confident about what you's so much easier to go out and offer it. Thank you so much for this program and the space to get things together. I really needed a place to restore my mental bandwidth and to slot what I know and what I am learning directly into a proven success path.

Every little baby step I have taken has been getting me just enough progress to keep me willing to keep pushing through. Layer on the community and's a winning combination as y'all already know."
Lisa Perk

So if you’re not ready to make the financial investment in the Supergroup…

But you ARE ready for an elite level of customized coaching and accountability….

Then The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator coaching is made for you.

So if you’re not ready to make the financial investment in the Supergroup…

But you ARE ready for an elite level of customized coaching and accountability….

Then The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator coaching is made for you.

If you're ready to go “all in” with us, then we’re ready to give you every single thing we have available. 

We’ll walk through each of the coaching programs with you step-by-step, then give you high-level coaching to help you get past any sticking points along the way. 

PLUS – you’ll get an ‘all access’ pass to everything we’re continuing to create that’s designed to bring you all the way through  The Freelancer’s Journey to Phase 7.

If you're ready to go “all in” with us, then we’re ready to give you every single thing we have available. 

We’ll walk through each of the coaching programs with you step-by-step, then give you high-level coaching to help you get past any sticking points along the way. 

PLUS – you’ll get an ‘all access’ pass to everything we’re continuing to create that’s designed to bring you all the way through  The Freelancer’s Journey to Phase 7.
"I resigned from my teaching job! I'm running a copywriting business instead of writing as a side gig Accelerator helped me take the leap, and I fully replaced my teaching income."
Joshua Bowen

Here’s how The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator works

The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator is an “All Access” Mastermind program from Kevin Rogers, founder of Escape Velocity, Real Free Life, and

It’s designed as a way to provide unlimited access to all the tools, accountability, and support needed to move through all phases of The Freelancer’s Journey.

Accelerator includes 6 months of unlimited access to:

Accelerator Members
Have UNLIMITED Access To:

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity is a 5-part training program for copywriters who want to launch and grow a sustainable and profitable freelance business from scratch.

It’s designed to take you from Phase 1 – Phase 3 of The Freelancer’s Journey


It’s a step-by-step training program on how to kickstart your freelance career, attract quality clients, and confidently deliver great work.
At the end of the program you’ll have the skills you need to confidently launch and grow a successful and sustainable freelance copy business.
All with seasoned freelance copywriters answering your questions, giving you feedback on your work, and holding you accountable while walking you through this proven system step-by-step.

- Alex Weatherill

"Escape Velocity demystified the entire freelance process and showed me that even with ZERO knowledge you can still make it work."

- Anna Iveson

In Escape Velocity, I got a client that nearly replaced my monthly corporate salary. The difference is I achieved it working about 20 hours a week, instead of 60 hours a week like I did at my corporate job!

Real Free Life

Real Free Life (RFL) is an 4-part training program for freelancers who want to build respected industry authority, raise their rates, work with better clients, and generate self-propelling momentum in their freelance business. 

It’s designed to take you from Phase 3 – Phase 4 of The Freelancer’s Journey.
The program helps you build authority in your industry and ‘set the standard’ to legitimize your freelance business while avoiding burnout. 
You’ll learn how to escape the “feast or famine” mode and get high-quality clients coming to YOU instead of constantly chasing new leads.  
At the end of the program, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to design your work around your lifestyle, become a recognized authority in your niche, and attract high-quality clients who pay what you’re worth.

-Mike Rinard

"Thanks to RFL, I’m so sought out for my specialty I barely even write copy anymore unless I want to, or it’s for my own offers."

- April Dykman

“Thanks to RFL, I’ve doubled my income over the previous month, then doubled it again!"

Email Copy Academy

Email Copy Academy teaches you how to become a successful email copywriter, so you can get paid to do something you love, earn more than you could at your day job, and enjoy the work you do for clients who truly respect your skills.

In this 6-part program, master email copywriter Chris Orzechowski breaks down his “secret playbook” behind how he runs his $500,000+ /year email copywriting business, and made him one of the most in-demand copywriters in the industry.

In ECA, Chris will walk you through:

- Brenna McGowan

This course has already paid for itself with the new client work I have gotten. Plus – I am also so much more confident in my skills.

- Josh Rhodes

- Josh Rhodes

This system allows me to write twice as fast, with half the stress. It can take you from struggling email newbie, to profit generating machine in a few short weeks.

2x /Month Mastermind Accelerator Calls

Escape Velocity and Real Free Life are designed to walk you step-by-step through Phase 0 – Phase 4 of The Freelancer’s Journey. But what happens after we say goodbye on the last coaching call of those programs?

The Accelerator calls are designed to fill in the gaps between Escape Velocity and RFL, as well as provide ongoing support to help you move into the next phase of your journey.

Escape Velocity and Real Free Life are designed to walk you step-by-step through Phase 0 – Phase 4 of The Freelancer’s Journey. But what happens after we say goodbye on the last coaching call of those programs?

The Accelerator calls are designed to fill in the gaps between Escape Velocity and RFL, as well as provide ongoing support to help you move into the next phase of your journey.

Monthly “Office Hours” Calls with Kevin’s Best Co-Coaches

We want to make sure you have all the support you need, at the moment you need it. This is why Kevin’s expert co-coaches like Melanie Warren, Angie Colee, and Rachel Mazza offer weekly “office hours” calls to support you in between group coaching calls.

You’ll get all the help you need DAILY in the private Accelerator forum, and can jump on a live call each week to ask questions, bounce ideas off your coach, get a quick “pep talk” when you’re dealing with head trash, and more. 

BONUS:Copy Chief Membership

Copy Chief Training Dashboard

You’ll have access to your personal training dashboard where you can sign in and check out all the training we have available.

This is where we host and organize all exclusive Copy Chief trainings and Guest Expert Trainings.

This dashboard makes it easy to track your progress as you develop your skills like:

You can walk through all of the trainings at your own pace. If you need guidance, simply follow one of our suggested learning paths to level up your skills quickly. 

 PLUS - you’ll get an ‘all access’ pass to everything new we’re continuing to create that’s designed to bring you all the way through The Freelancer’s Journey to Phase 7.

Copy Chief Community

The Copy Chief Community is one of the most powerful tools in your freelancing arsenal.

This is a private community and discussion forum where you can chat with and learn from the best copywriters and freelancers in the industry.

Ask questions about your freelance business, get unlimited feedback on your work, and keep your finger on the pulse of ‘what’s working now’ from successful copywriters who are ‘in the trenches’ testing this stuff every single day. 

PLUS - you’ll have access to our job boards where great clients are looking for copywriters at all levels every single day. 

You’ll also be able to join our weekly Chief Chat calls, track and share your journey in your weekly progress journey, join regular copywriting challenges and workshops to practice your skills, and more!

In addition, you’ll get first access to new trainings we release, and exclusive members-only discounts to programs and events like Copy Chief Live.

Plus – you'll be joining an elite group of freelancers and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to pushing each other up, and working together to achieve big goals. So far, the results have been through the roof:

Anna Iverson has upped her client roster significantly since joining. She's now turning down work that she says she would have "killed for" six months ago. She also just filled her first live course, even with a starter list of only a couple hundred people. ​

Brian Czekanski, just over a year into copywriting has a full calendar of copy clients, and is positioning himself well as a YouTube channel specialist with several clients on retainer for that offer. ​

Josh Bowen is transitioning out of his job as a college professor and preparing to make the leap to full time facebook ad writer. He's receiving a steady flow of work from an agency and leads from industry leaders like Mike Rinard.​

​Emily DeArmas just completed a project writing a sales campaign for a Hollywood producer (and former client of mine) who created a product to help hopeful artists monetize their skills.​

Am I bragging? Indeed I am.

I couldn’t be prouder of everything my students have accomplished.

Yes, I created the action plan, the proven tactics, and the rock-solid advice…

… but these guys took action.

They trusted the system.
They worked together to implement what they learned.
And they celebrated the heck out of each other, along the way.

They deserve every bit of success they’ve achieved.

I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders. This group is everything to me and I really don't feel alone in this. You guys have reached out to me, offered practice calls, chatted with me on zoom to help me work out the head trash... what an insanely special group of humans.

I feel a lot more confident in setting boundaries (and not giving in when he argues with me or tries to push past them). Without you guys, I think I would be completely burned out and quit copywriting altogether. The other members are JUST as great as the coaches. No other community has this level of support.
- Samantha Musgrave

What If I Want To Continue With Coaching After The 6 Months?

"As a new copywriter, I jumped into Accelerator all with the intention of setting a foundation to work NEXT Fall.

Fast forward to today. I have created an LLC and have gone from one small project in January to working about 50 hours a week. I think it's fair to say I have hit my goals. A year early, nonetheless. I am 100% certain that if I wasn't setting goals and learning more here in Accelerator, I would be still working only 5 hours a week on my copy biz."
-Kimberly Walker

Hear what else Kim has to say about her time in Accelerator

What's The Investment?

The cost for the all-access pass is $1,250 per month with a 6-month minimum commitment.

Or you can save $1,000 by paying $6,500 in-full for 6 months.

This includes 6 months of full access to:

If you were to buy all of these resources individually, the cost would be nearly $30,000. That’s the current real-world price for these programs and tools right now.

How can we give this much for $1,250 a month?

Two reasons:

We want to make this a huge value for you.

You’ll have full access for an entire 6 months, and have the option to continue with the coaching at that time based on your needs.

We’re creating an elite group of freelancers, so this is by invitation only, and you gotta be “all in” for at least 6 months.

At the end of the 6 months, you’ll have the opportunity to renew for a full year of continued coaching if you want to.

David Maswary

David Maswary

"This year was the best year I've ever had in business. Now my old income goal feels like chump change. I'm hunting for bigger game now."

Brian Czekanski

"Everything is really clicking right now, it's kinda crazy. For example, I got on the phone with a prospect and they started the call by saying 'thanks for your message, how can we start working together?' It stunned me for a second how easy it was. Great new clients, the right strategies, and amazing new connections."


I finally got a full-time gig! After 6 months of joining Accelerator I have officially reached my goal of going full-time freelancer
- Tom Hammaker


Pay In Full And Save $1,000



1 Payment of $1,250 Today, Then...


Got Questions?
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions...

If you’re already a member of Copy Chief, then your ongoing membership will be free with your Accelerator All-access pass.

You’ll pay one convenient monthly fee which includes Escape Velocity, Real Free Life, Email Copy Academy, The Accelerator Calls, AND your full copy chief membership for an entire 6 months.

After the 6 months, you can choose to renew your all-access pass, or go back to your regular Copy Chief Community membership.

If you’ve already paid an annual subscription and choose to go back to your regular Copy Chief membership, your subscription will pick up right where it left off when you joined Accelerator

No. The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator is not a course. It’s personal monthly coaching to help you implement what you’ve learned in EV, RFL, and other trainings – and help you troubleshoot your individual challenges along the way.

If you have more questions about The Freelancer’s Journey Accelerator, email coaching [at]

This email address is ONLY accessible to Escape Velocity and Real Free Life grads, so please don’t share this email with anyone else.

Send me your questions and we’ll have a quick email chat to make sure Accelerator is right for you.

"After being "out of the game" for years, I was worried about being out-of-date with my skills. I kicked myself out of the stagnancy of a “thinking” phase, and finally getting some “doing” done! This week I'm receiving my first pay check for writing since I stopped working 8 years ago. Still amazed someone would pay me for words I've strung together, feeling a weird mix of pride and disbelief. Thank you!"
-Veron Leong


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